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My existing project to GitHub with command line

2 min readDec 20, 2017

This is Just My Little note :)

I’m Study Cloud Class at my University and Teacher told me to get use to MEAN.JS but this Topic isn’t about MEAN.JS ;P

My old picture old code and old cup

This Short Note coming after i clone MEAN.JS structure from github and i want to push this to my own Repo.

to initialize

$git init

This Command will create an empty Git repository or reinitialize an existing one but you have to “ cd ” to your project directory first

and then add all your project

$git add .

This Command will add file contents to the index but it not already in your repository unless you commit it by this following commands

$git commit -m "Your commit"

Record changes to the repository by git commit but always use git commit -am to make sure that all files is already been added

Then last but not least you have to remote repository URL

$git remote add origin "your repository URL"

But if you clone repository from someone such as framework structure and you want to create your own existing repository, in this case you can use this command

$git remote set-url origin "your repository URL"

and check if remote URL are the right one you want

$git remote -v

Finally Let’s Share your code to the world by

$git push -u origin master

This is just my short note~ so it’s not really good thing but i’ll do it better next time :)

reference :



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